Hi! I’m Robson. Thanks for stopping by.
I’m 31 years old and I’m passionate about trading, investing, data science and data visualization. I graduated in 2013 with a MSc. Finance from Trinity College Dublin (Ireland). I am the founder of Tradewell.
I have spent my career to date in the trading and investment industries. From there I have developed my knowledge through positions in Energy Marketing, Buy-side Equity Research, Investment research for Family Offices and Risk for Proprietary Energy trading.
I am writing on this website to connect with like-minded people, share and re-enforce my knowledge and to monetize the skills that I have developed.
Discretionary Dystopia describes a world (our world) in which we make sub-optimal decisions based on emotion and personal bias rather than based on well-researched fact and objectivity. The writings here are designed to help identify biases and propose alternative behaviors.
Feel free to reach out, I am always happy to connect.